Katrina caused severe damage in USA. US being a developed country, still continues to deal with the enormous human and financial consequences of this devastating storm.

Unfortunately, halfway across the world, our families & friends in Northeast coast of Andhra Pradesh, India are undergoing their own nightmare scenario in the aftermath of Cyclone HUDHUD

125 MPH winds with an estimated accumulation of 215 MM (8.5 Inches) of Rain fall in 2 days shattered many lives. The destruction that this cyclone left in its wake is the worst ever seen in the Region

Population of 1000. This village filled with Wage Labor, Small farmers and Weaver men No Public Transportation or Roads. No toilets in many homes. One of the worst affected areas due to HUDHUD

We all know that our hearts go out to those who have suffered so grievously during this disaster. Helping families take small steps toward Joining Hands. One of those villages which is not in the radar of the govt.

Plan For Rebuilding

Short Term

Catering to the basic needs like food and clothing.

Government is taking care of food.

They need clothes immediately

Mid term - Here we make the difference

Filling their life with HOPE to avoid suicides

Sponsoring the children for Education

Supporting the basics till they settle

Adopt a family - Hold their hand till they start taking baby steps for recovery


      Distribution of clothing stage-1 is done


      Stage-2 Medical camp conducted on Dec28th 2014. Medicines distributed. Equipped school with Sport goods.



  1. Adopting Vemulapalli announcement is done by MP Dr Khambampati Haribabu
  2. Cloths distributed to 200 people
  3. Promised more help from manavillages
    1. Building toilets
    2. Help for education
    3. Vocational training to Women to create alternative jobs
    4. Water purification plan
Govt: honorable MP Dr. Haribabu
  1. Promised free gas connection
  2. Aadhar card and pension approval
  3. 4 lakhs promise towards a kids Heart operation


  1. Eye CAMP on April 19th http://www.sankarfoundation.in
  2. Water purification plant
  3. More help to the families
  4. Building a big shelter for training and rescue from natural disasters.

Support for kids' education - Screening in progress


      Drinking water plant inaguration on 07-15-2016 at Government High School, Kirlampudi Village, East Godavari District, AP.


Current Project: APRJC Nimmakuru - Boys dormitory construction

We are constructing 2 dormitories for 200 students in Nimmakuru, Krishna district, in collaboration with alumni of NLVRGSRV Junior college. The estimated cost of the project is INR 3 crores,

*Construction Progress:* 

Block 1: Construction is targeted to be completed by the end of June 2024. Currently, tiles and 
electrical items are procured for consumption.

Block 2: Construction is currently on hold until further funding is secured.

About US


To improve the quality of living conditions of villages, in India and other countries, by providing basic necessities. In general, this will be done by providing:

  1. Clean water, food, clothes and shelter.
  2. Educational materials.
  3. Medicines, vaccinations and health/hygiene supplies.
  4. Infrastructure to achieve the goals above — wells, roads, clinics, schools and homes.

Our Team:

President: Kasinadh Buridi M.B.A (Mkt) (612-242-4769)
Vice president: Vasanth Changanti M.B.A(Strategy)
Treasurer: Jayasheela B.E
Secretary: Shaik Ahmed M.B.A
Director of fund raising: Naidu Saladi M.B.A (Fin & Strategy)
Director of Strategy: Yoganand Agnihotram M.B.A(Global Management)

Asst. Director of Volunteering: Sindhuja Jamisetty

Asst. Director of Communications: Rithika Jamisetty

Team in India

Nagabushanam Buridi M.sc Med Rtd:Lectures (9441517079)
Dr.B.P.S.Kalyani Ph.D(9866317192)
Dr.K.P.S.Kasipathi Surgeon(8978080503)
Dr.K.V.Lakshmi Ph.D (Envoronment Science)(9848199093)
Saradamba Judge Session Court

Supporting organizations

Supporting organization

Contact Information

We are always looking for improvement. We welcome any suggestions to make their lives much better.

Contact Numbers

Kasi Burudi : +1 612 242 4769 |  Naidu Saladi : + 1 763 203 2984
Yoganand : + 1 201 286 7671 |  Kalyani : +91 986 631 7192
Email : toourvillage@gmail.com